Acid Reflux Responds Better to Diet than PPI Drugs


Acid Reflux Can be Controlled Better with Diet than Prescription Drugs

Exploring New and Old Health News Today – Acid Reflux, Diet and Prescription Drugs


Acid reflux medically known as Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) can be described as too much acid concentrated in the stomach and lower oesophagus (part of the throat connected to the stomach). This condition is thought to be an important cause in the development of many inflammatory disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract (GI). GERD is currently one of the most common health concerns in the UK and the intake of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) a drug that stops your body from producing stomach acid, such as omeprazole, is among the most widely consumed drugs in the world read ore about PPI’s here. Although these drugs have shown to be effective in relieving high acid levels in the affected areas, side effects can include; headaches, nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fatigue and dizziness.It appears that these drugs are not needed for all cases of GERD. A recent study published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery found that a healthy diet was just as effective in treating symptoms associated with acid reflux compared with PPI’s.

Diet or Drugs to Treat Acid Reflux

In this study the researchers investigated 174 people with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), which is a type of acid reflux where acid is concentrated in the upper part of the digestive tract and triggered when pepsin, an enzyme from the stomach reaches sensitive tissues. Symptoms of LPR include; throat clearing, a feeling that something is lodged in the throat, hoarseness and trouble swallowing. 85 of the subjects were treated with PPI’s and 99 subjects were prescribed a diet.

A quote from the study

“The patient cohort from 2010 to 2012 was treated with either esomeprazole twice dailyordexlansoprazoledailyandstandardrefluxdietandpre- cautions (PS), which prohibited coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, greasy, fried, fatty and spicy foods, and alcohol. The second cohort from 2013 to 2015 was treated with alkaline water (pH >8.0), a plant-based, Mediterranean-style diet, and stan- dard reflux precautions. Patients were given both verbal and written instructions to replace all beverages with alkaline wa- ter and to eat a 90% to 95% plant-based diet consisting of veg- etables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts with less than 5% to 10% from animal-based products until the follow-up at 6 weeks. Typically, this entailed 2 to 3 meals per week containing 3 to 4 ounces of meat and minimal intake of dairy.” After 6 weeks, the people that changed their diet reported declines in the standardised reflux scale more so that the PPI drug group.


Acid reflux known as Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where acid builds up in the stomach and lower oesophagus, resulting in inflammation. A study shown diet in some cases altering your diet is better at controlling acid reflux. This study shows that people can be treated for common aliments with a good healthy diet, although this should be performed under the guidance of health and medical professionals. If you suffer from acid reflux give us a contact us today or fill in our symptoms questionnaire and someone from our team will be in contact with you.

Updated on the 30th October 2019


Zalvin, C, et al,. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;143(10):1023-1029. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2017.1454

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